Are you tired of having to choose between advancing your career and being there for your family? 
Exhausted from trying to “do it all” and burning yourself out? 
Wishing for a healthier and more fulfilling way to balance both?
Here’s how the Defiant Career Strategy will help you…

Take control of your career and life 

…So you can achieve your professional goals without sacrificing your personal goals and without burning yourself out trying to achieve both 
Are you tired of having to choose between advancing your career and being there for your family? 
Exhausted from trying to “do it all” and burning yourself out? 
Wishing for a healthier and more fulfilling way to balance both?


Here’s how the Defiant Career Strategy will help you…

Take control of your career and life 

…So you can achieve your professional goals without sacrificing your personal goals and without burning yourself out trying to achieve both 

The Defiant Career Strategy is the only program that helps you advance your career without having to sacrifice your personal life or burnout in the process

>> Maybe you’re doing well professionally but you struggle with asking for flexibility to make time for family.  And you dread being seen as the “complainer” because you need more accommodation compared to your co-workers.  
>> Maybe you feel overwhelmed from all the demands of your work and at home and you struggle to set boundaries. 
>> Or maybe you do set boundaries, but they’re constantly violated and you don’t feel comfortable saying no at work…and feel guilty for saying no at home with your loved ones.  
And yet, even with all of this, you’re still working hard and pushing yourself because you believe you can “do it all”...or so you’ve been told.  And you’re mentally and physically exhausted. 
Plus, if you’ve given your all at work and home and still feel overwhelmed, how can you possibly do more to find the balance to actually enjoy your hard work? How will you ever get to that point you dreamt of when you set out to achieve your career and life goals in the first place–of having more time, money, freedom, and fulfillment?
If only you had a way to achieve your career goals, be present for your family and truly enjoy your time with them, and to have this without the mental and physical exhaustion you’re constantly feeling…
And not just any strategy that tells you to “do it all” and has you working harder in a workplace culture that wasn’t really designed for you…
But a strategy that is specifically designed to address the BARRIERS in the workplace and at home that lead to burnout. 
The good news is, that’s not a pipe dream.
It’s the power of defiance. (Britannica Dictionary definition: a refusal to obey something or someone).
Our definition of defiance is the bold disobedience towards social norms, expectations and workplace cultures that limit your ability to fully express and live your values.
Here’s how powerful it can be for your career:
>> 70% of women say work-life balance is a major barrier to career advancement
>> 97% of women believe asking for more flexible working arrangements could hurt their chances of getting promoted
And as a result, women continue to work in these inflexible workplaces only to experience burnout and end up quitting
>> Women experience 32% more burnout than men in the workplace
>> And 40% of women who quit their jobs say it was to find a better life balance
But with the power of defiance and strategic self-advocacy, you won't avoid having the important discussions needed to prevent this outcome. 
Unlike popular career coaching programs, and performative workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, defiance:
>> Empowers you to take control of your career and life—helping you make decisions based on your values—regardless of your workplace culture 
>> Gives you the tools to have the necessary and difficult conversations to get the flexibility you need…while also protecting you from retaliation
>> Helps you set boundaries that are respected and not constantly violated, so that you can thrive in your workplace and enjoy the fruits of your labor by being present for quality time with your loved ones 
Your only job?
Is to harness it for your career and life

Which is where the Defiant Career Strategy comes in…

And while it looked like I “had it all” looking from the outside, I was burned out, depressed, and extremely unhappy. 
I had a choice to make. 
Either give up on a career goal I’d worked so hard to achieve…or find a better solution. 
And so I set out to find a different way to balance my career and family—something healthier, with less burnout, and much less stress.
Having tried almost every form of career coaching and women’s empowerment conferences in the last decade, I’ve personally seen just how transformational defiance can be:
As soon as I started implementing the Defiant Career Strategy, I’d gone from having my resume thrown across the table in an interview (being denied the job because I “prioritized motherhood over being a surgeon”) to being a sought-after surgeon whose entire family (all 8 of us) being flown out for an interview and heavily incentivized to accept a leadership position.  
And less than two years after that, the Defiant Career Strategy had become a transformational  career coaching program helping  women across the globe break stereotypes, overcome barriers, and advance their careers without sacrificing their personal life or making themselves burnout trying to do it all.  
And by the way, you might be wondering…
Will defiance work for you even if you’re not outspoken, or an extrovert, don’t have much time, aren’t comfortable setting boundaries, or are in a hostile workplace?
In short: 
Because contrary to popular (but wrong) belief, using the Defiant Career Strategy to achieve balance in your career and life has little to do with becoming an extrovert or being confrontational about workplace cultures.  
In reality, it’s about strategic decision-making and self-advocacy:
Speaking up to address the specific barriers that are getting in your way to achieving the balance you want…without putting a target on your back for backlash or retaliation. 
When you do this the right way
 >> You’ll be able to make the workplace cultures that limit you actually work in your favor (By learning the underlying power dynamics and how they can benefit you instead of target you)
>> You’ll be able to engage in difficult, yet necessary, conversations instead of avoiding them and suffering the consequences (you’ll avoid the burnout that comes from being afraid of tough conversations)
>> You’ll take control of how you navigate your career and your life and you’ll dictate what work life balance looks like for you (you won’t be at the mercy of your workplace or social cultures to define balance for you)

 That’s why by the end of the Defiant Career Strategy, you’ll have…

>> Your strategic career plan laid out…following a proven strategy that'll help you to stop navigating your career blindly and being at the mercy of your workplace culture so that you take a PROACTIVE approach to your career
>>  A strategic self-advocacy approach to help you gain the confidence to speak up for yourself WHILE protecting yourself from backlash and retaliation
>> A system - with tools, processes, time management strategies - to take control of your career and life so that you can  achieve balance on YOUR terms and not be on your employer's 


>> The peace of mind that comes from knowing you’ve finally got a a career strategy for achieving your career goals and enjoying the fruits of your labor as you spend quality time with your family...so you never worry about burning out or fitting into harmful cultures to get ahead
Here's how we'll make it all happen...

When You Join, You'll Also Get These Bonuses

Worth $20,000+ 

(Created specifically to help you get even better results with The Defiant Career Strategy)


So to recap, here's everything you get:

That's a total retail value of over $35,000.


And that’s not counting the value of the results you’ll get if you follow this career strategy and put in the work: the peace of mind that comes from knowing you're in control of your career and life, the freedom of having more time to be present for your loved ones, and of course…enjoying the fruits of your labor instead of burning out trying to "do it all." 

If this sounds like exactly what you’ve been looking for, you can get instant access to the course via either enrollment option below. But before you join, please make sure that you’re ready to do the work so you can have the results you want.

Because all sales are final.

If you’re ready and excited to get started, chose the enrollment option that works best for you. Once you submit your order, you’ll receive an email with your access information so you can get started right away with your course content and bonuses.

Get Started Today

Payment Plan

  • Complete Defiant Career Strategy

  •  Taking UP Space Course Workbook 

  •  Journaling Prompts, Guides, Templates

  •  Bonus: Breaking Career Myths Case Studies

  •  Bonus: Time Management Workshop

  •  Bonus: Dominating Your Space: Moving Beyond Discrimination 

  •  Bonus: Private & Confidential Group Career Coaching 

  • Lifetime access and free updates

Only 3 Payments of



Pay in Full & Save

  • Complete Defiant Career Strategy

  •  Taking UP Space Course Workbook 

  •  Journaling Prompts, Guides, Templates

  •  Bonus: Breaking Career Myths Case Studies

  •  Bonus: Time Management Workshop

  •  Bonus: Dominating Your Space: Moving Beyond Discrimination 

  •  Bonus: Private & Confidential Group Career Coaching 

  • Lifetime access and free updates 
Save 28% by Paying in Full

1 Payment of


Need Help? Have Questions?
We're happy to answer your questions and help you with your investment decision.

Let’s make sure we’re setting you up for success...


While we have complete confidence in the results you can get with The Defiant Career Strategy—and the results to back up that confidence—it’s not for everyone. So let’s make sure The Defiant Career Strategy is a good fit to help you.

The Defiant Career Strategy can help you if:

The Defiant Career Strategy is not a good fit for you if:

Can this really work for you too?


Maybe you’re exactly the type of person we created The Defiant Career Strategy to help, but you’re thinking this might not work for you because you don’t think career coaching makes a difference in achieving balance or you've tried other mentorship/coaching programs before and they didn't work because they don't address the specific barriers YOU face.  Or you feel like you don't have enough time to learn a strategy that will actually make a difference...

If so, here’s Lola's experience who felt the same before starting this program...

Lola has gained all this within her FIRST month in the program!

What’s more, she gained more from the safe, confidential group coaching program where she was able to discuss some of the most difficult (and often taboo) topics in the workplace that a majority of women's empowerment and coaching programs AVOID altogether.  And it equipped her with the tools and the skills she needed to maneuver through these politics in the most strategic way possible (and with the comfort and protection of anonymity...that's why most of our testimonials are submitted anonymously)

And here’s the best part:

It was COMPLETELY different from other coaching programs she's done because instead of teaching her to fit in, compromise, and play small, The Defiant Career Strategy empowered her to own her identity and her values

So that she no longer had to suffer silently through workplace cultures that made it impossible for her to set the healthy boundaries she needed, speak up when those boundaries were violated, and prevent the backlash that came her way because she spoke up.  

No more being afraid to speak up and advocate for her needs. No more letting fear dictate her life and career.  

Lolla knows how to handle the specific obstacles she faces...because she now has a strategy that was specifically designed for her needs.  

And there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have confidence—and results—like this too.

Because imagine if you had a system that…

✓ Empowers you to set boundaries in your life and career through strategy  (and not forcing you to sacrifice one or the other)

✓ Lets you build the career and life you want on your terms without burning yourself out in the process  

✓ Helps you create a career trajectory that doesn't involve giving up on your values,

✓ Gives you a system so you know exactly what you need to do when you face obstacles

✓ Builds your confidence so that you make career and life decisions strategically (instead of from a place of fear of retaliation and repercussions)

✓ Doesn’t require you to spend all your time and energy trying to thrive in a culture that was never designed for you (But gives you the tools to make the necessary culture changes to help YOU thrive!)

✓ Frees up time you would otherwise spend on "doing it all," fitting in, competing in an unfair system, or stressing about why you're constantly feeling burned out...to enjoy the fruits of your labor 


Now, I get it if you feel unsure. There are so many coaching programs out there making lavish promises and saying, “THIS is the system to try.” And maybe you’ve done those programs and even implemented everything to a T, but your results still weren’t amazing.

That’s why I worked with so many clients in various industries (from Medicine to Engineering to IT and everything in between) for many, many years before creating this course—to ensure I deliver the best, proven strategies to you. 

What’s more, this is not just a work-life balance or career coaching program. This is a unique and complete system tailored specifically to help you—a busy woman—use strategy to advance your career and live the life you want without burnout.

In other words, no overly complicated strategies that don’t work or short-term tactics that aren’t sustainable. Instead, you get a complete and proven system that works—while helping you balance and thrive in the fastest, most effective way possible

“Dr. Hussein has offered valuable skills on how physician women of color need to defy the norm so that we can achieve our dreams and maintain our values in a field that expects people to sacrifice everything in service of their profession.”

Dr. Al-Sad

“I'm just so happy to be in this course.  It's so helpful. It's a gem to hear such insights first hand from a surgeon. may Allah give you his baraka in everything you do" 

Fatima M.

"Defiance Academy...has helped me see the possibilities out there. It helped me realize the importance of challenging discriminating policies and personnel and how I can make these systems work for me.”

Fatemah Osman

Frequently Asked Questions


“How much time do I need to commit to the program?”

The program is designed with busy professionals in mind. The content is broken down into manageable modules that you can complete at your own pace. Even small investments of time can yield significant results.

“Will this work for me?”

This strategy has worked in various fields (including business, marketing, tech, and health, to name just a few). It’s built to work for any career, even if you’re early in your career development.


“Can I do this even if I’m not an outspoken person?”

That’s OK—we aren’t either. You don’t need to be outspoken or an extrovert to effectively speak up and advocate for yourself with The Defiant Career Strategy. Plus, you’ll get clear, step-by-step instructions for how to strategically navigate the power dynamics. 


"Can this program help me if I'm facing discrimination at work?"

Yes, The Defiant Career Strategy includes a bonus module, "Dominating Your Space: Moving Beyond Discrimination in the Workplace," which offers strategies and techniques to handle and overcome workplace discrimination. You'll learn how to assert yourself confidently and navigate challenging situations effectively.


"Is this program only for women?"

While the primary focus is on empowering women, the principles and strategies taught in The Defiant Career Strategy can benefit anyone looking to advance their career without compromising their personal life.


"What kind of support will I receive during the program?"

You'll have access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals, quarterly live career coaching sessions with Dr. Qaali Hussein for one year, and additional resources to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.


"How soon can I expect to see results?"

Results can vary depending on your individual situation and commitment to implementing the strategies taught in the program. Many participants report noticeable improvements in their work-life balance and career satisfaction within a few weeks of starting the program.


"Do I need any prior experience or qualifications to join the program?"

No prior experience or qualifications are required. The Defiant Career Strategy is designed to be accessible to anyone, regardless of their career stage or industry. All you need is a willingness to learn and a commitment to applying the strategies taught in the program.


"Is additional 1:1 career coaching available as an add-on?"

As of now, no – although that might change in the future. 1:1 coaching is a completely separate process that is a different offer – and price.

That being said, this is another reason why we offer the bonus group coaching program. 

Use it to get up to speed, learn how to apply the career strategy the right way, and get feedback so you know you’re using the strategy to get the best results.

Ready to take control of your career and life …so you can achieve your professional goals without sacrificing your life and without burning yourself out in the process of trying to "do it all"? 



Consumer Testimonials: As with any business-related program, your results may vary from these consumer testimonials. The testimonials used are of actual clients and results they personally achieved. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results. Your results will be based on many variables, such as your level of effort, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, and a range of other factors. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee your success or results, nor are we responsible for your success or failure. The Defiant Career Strategy is not a “fix it all” strategy. It takes time, effort, and dedication to build a successful career, and while we – and the students shown – believe this program gives you incredible and comprehensive guidance, ultimately, you have to do the work.